Whatever type of business you have, one of the most important things is that you have a really unique product or service, and one that can compete really well on the marketplace. So you're going to need to be very convincing to other people if you're asking friends, family, or asking a bank for funding that this product or service is going to be something that there's a lot of demand for. So you should do your research in advance, and make sure that your target customer is interested in this type of product or service. Also, you're really going to need to show that you have the industry knowledge and the industry experience to actually be very successful in selling that product or service, because a lot of times just starting something from scratch that you may not know the industry and the way that it works, you have a lot more hurdles to jump over. So, if you know up front what those hurdles are, and you have solutions of how to deal with those, you're going to be much more convincing in trying to get someone else to fund your business. Also, you need to be very creative. That's one of the hallmarks of a great entrepreneur. So what you can do to be creative is try to think of all the ways that you can raise money. It doesn't necessarily need to be a business loan or a credit card, or venture capital. It could be your neighbor next door who's expressed interesting in something--say you're baking pies, and maybe your neighbor said, you know what, I'd be interested in giving some money to help you get started. So, really try to think of non-traditional ways to get funding for your business. You might also look to local nonprofit organizations that provide what are known as micro loans to people that are getting started. A lot of times they're a lot more flexible than a bank in terms of your credit and lack of track record to help you get the funding that you need."
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